The Inventory is a snapshot of radioactive wastes and materials in the UK taken at a specific point in time and also forecasts those predicted to arise in the future.


Waste in stock


Future arisings


Number of data streams

Laboratory worker

Data hub

Get the big picture in seconds or drill down to the details you need with our inventory reports, infographics, and interactive site and UK data here in the data hub. You’ll also find a summarised list of changes to the inventory since the last stock date.

Document library

From very low level waste to high level waste, you can search the annual inventory reports and historic waste stream data sheets here in the document library to access the latest insights into the radioactive wastes and materials across the UK nuclear industry.

Workers in high-vis with crane unloading waste from a train

About the Inventory

The Inventory is a snapshot of radioactive wastes and materials taken at a specific point in time, called the ‘stock date.’ Updated every three years, it’s where you’ll find data, documents, and information on the radioactive waste and materials that exist now and that we expect to generate as we deliver our mission to clean-up the UK’s earliest nuclear sites safely, securely and cost effectively on behalf of the government.

Aerial shot of Dounreay