High Level Waste (HLW) forecasts

At 1 April 2022 the reported volume of HLW at Sellafield was about 1,990 m3.

HLW is being safely stored at Sellafield pending the availability of a disposal route for this waste category. The quantity of packaged HLW being stored is increasing as waste, which is initially managed in a liquid form known as Highly Active Liquor (HAL), undergoes an evaporation process before vitrification into glass blocks within stainless steel canisters. At 1 April 2022 there were 6,191 packages of conditioned HLW in long-term storage.

Table: HLW at 1 April 2022 and estimated future arisings Reported volumes, masses, packaged volumes and package numbers

At 1.4.2022

Reported volume (m3)

Reported mass (tonnes)

Packaged volume (m3)

No of packages

Not yet packaged



Already packaged





Future arisings

See note 2

See note 2

See note 2

See note 2






(1) Volume and mass “not yet packaged” are for HAL; volume and mass “already packaged” are the conditioned volume and corresponding mass for waste that has been encapsulated in glass.

(2) From 1 April 2022 there will be a net decrease in the reported volume and mass of HLW. This is because accumulated HAL is being conditioned, which reduces its volume and mass by about two-thirds. It is also because vitrified HLW is being exported to overseas customers.

Reported volumes of HLW will fall in the future. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, and most significantly, due to evaporation and vitrification (the vitrified glass blocks are roughly one-third of the volume of the original HAL). Secondly future arisings of HLW are net of exports to overseas reprocessing customers (see section 14 for more information).

Further vitrified wastes will arise during the subsequent Post Operational Clean Out (POCO) phase which is expected to continue until 2032. Total HLW generated is forecast to be 7,520 waste packages (1,470 m3 packaged volume).