Low Level Waste (LLW) forecasts

At 1 April 2022 the reported volume of LLW was about 32,100 m3, of which about 20,500 m3 (64%) was at Dounreay. Most of the other LLW was at Sellafield (3,350 m3), Magnox stations (2,010 m3) and Aldermaston (1,330 m3). Most LLW at 1 April 2022 was in temporary storage awaiting recycling if suitable, or disposal to landfill or the LLWR.

Table: LLW at 1 April 2022 and estimated future arisings

At 1.4.2022

Reported volume (m3) (1)

Reported mass (tonnes) (1)

Packaged volume (m3)

No of packages

Not yet packaged (2)



Already packaged





Future arisings (3)










(1) Volume and mass “not yet packaged” are for untreated or partly treated waste. Volume and mass “already packaged” are the conditioned volume and corresponding mass e.g. conditioned in a cement-based material.

(2) “Not yet packaged” includes 1,230 m3 reported volume of mixed LLW/VLLW at Springfields.

(3) LLW includes 323,000 m3 reported volume of mixed LLW/VLLW at Springfields.

The forecast future arisings of LLW are about 1,550,000 m3 including about 323,000 m3 of mixed LLW/VLLW from Springfields that can be routed to landfill.

About 464,000 m3 (30%) of all forecast future LLW arisings are from Magnox power station sites (excluding Calder Hall). Much of the other LLW is from Sellafield (464,000 m3 – including 35,100 m3 from Calder Hall), Springfields (323,000 m3), AGR power stations (108,000 m3), and Dounreay (86,500 m3).

Approximately 1,310,000 m3 (85%) of all forecast future arisings of LLW are from the decommissioning of reactors and other facilities, and from site remediation. Only 236,000 m3 (15%) are from plant operations; about 86,200 m3 of which is from Sellafield.

Final stage decommissioning of reactors and ancillary plants at Magnox and AGR power stations is forecast to produce 477,000 m3 and 61,000 m3 of LLW. Decommissioning of uranium processing and fabrication facilities at Springfields is forecast to produce 224,000 m3 of LLW. Decommissioning of facilities at Sellafield is forecast to produce about 343,000 m3 of LLW.

Forecast annual arisings decrease from about 31,000 m3 to about 12,000 m3 over the period up to 2039. The decrease is the result of a number of factors including:

  • The completion of Magnox and oxide fuel reprocessing operations at Sellafield
  • The completion of C&M preparations at Magnox stations
  • The closure of AGR power stations
  • Defuelling and C&M preparations at AGR power stations
  • Lower volumes of general waste at Springfields
  • The completion of decommissioning activities at Winfrith.

From 2040 up to 2049, forecast annual arisings are higher as a result of the decommissioning of uranium processing and fabrication facilities at Springfields. From 2050 up to about 2073, average annual arisings are lower at about 5,300 m3. Much of this waste is from facilities decommissioning at Sellafield. Final dismantling and site clearance at Magnox and AGR stations between 2070 and 2123 give rise to higher but changeable annual volumes over this period.