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Showing 228 documents

2A308 - Final Dismantling & Site Clearance: Misc Metals & Materials (Reactor and Non-Reactor) LLW
A variety of materials from active plant dismantling.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2A309 - Final Dismantling & Site Clearance: Secondary LLW
Wastes arising from contamination control procedures during plant dismantling.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2A310 - Final Dismantling & Site Clearance: Graphite ILW
Moderator graphite from reactor dismantling.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | ILW

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2A311 - Final Dismantling & Site Clearance : Mild Steel (Reactor) ILW
Mild steel items from the reactor structure.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | ILW

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2A312 - Final Dismantling & Site Clearance : Stainless Steel (Reactor) ILW
Stainless steel items from reactor dismantling.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | ILW

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2A313 - Final Dismantling & Site Clearance : Miscellaneous Metal (Reactor) ILW
A variety of miscellaneous metallic wastes resulting from reactor dismantling.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | ILW

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2A910 - Care and Maintenance Preparation (Reactor LLW)
Waste from Calder Hall Reactor Areas including turbine halls and LLW from Non-active support buildings e.g. workshops.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2D02 - High Level Liquid Waste
Concentrated fission product solution from the first stage of primary separation in reprocessing plants. Concentrated washings from HALES POCO.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | HLW

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2D02/C - Vitrified High Level Waste - Magnox
Reprocessing of spent fuel gives rise to acidic aqueous raffinate which is concentrated, then vitrified by thermally denitrating and mixing with glass formers.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | HLW

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2D03 - Plutonium Contaminated Materials; Drums
PCM arising from reprocessing operations at Sellafield. The arisings also include secondary waste from product repackaging.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | ILW

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