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9G121 - Active Drains (Final Delay Tank)
The Active Drains are a system across the active site areas (i.e. reactor buildings and Ponds complex), designed to collect spillages, surface waters and other contaminated effluent and route it, via the Active Drains Tank (ADT), to the Active Effluent Treatment Plant (AETP) for treatment prior to discharge to Llyn Trawsfynydd. The Active Drains have collected effluents over the generating, defueling and decommissioning phases and thus have a spectrum of contamination including activation and fission products. This waste stream was created to capture waste associated with “System 3” consisting of the manholes and connections associated with the pipework between the Final Delay Tank (FDT) and discharge point at manhole MH430.

Magnox Ltd | Trawsfynydd | LLW

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9G124 - Loose Particulate Waste North and South FED vaults
This waste arises from the 32 FED vaults (16 North and 16 South) and is FED dust from the base of the vault.

Magnox Ltd | Trawsfynydd | ILW

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9G125 - R2 Pressure Vessel Sampling Inspection Equipment
Predominately metal equipment removed from the reactor core.

Magnox Ltd | Trawsfynydd | ILW

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9G126 - DWTP Sand Filtration Vessel
The waste has arisen from Main Sludge Vault operations

Magnox Ltd | Trawsfynydd | ILW

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9G129 - Active Waste Vaults ILW

Magnox Ltd | Trawsfynydd | ILW

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9G129/C - Active Waste Vaults ILW
Waste streams 9G64, 9G72, 9G73, 9G79, 9G125, 9G126, 9G129 and 9G131 will be co-packaged. Combined waste stream composition data not yet been assessed. As of 31/03/2022, sixteen 3m3 boxes have been conditioned. Wastestreams included in the containers are : 9G64 - 18 wt%; 9G72 - 33 wt%; 9G73 - 22 wt%; 9G79 - 27 wt%.

Magnox Ltd | Trawsfynydd | ILW

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9G130 - Flux Detectors
NFDs are gas filled radiation detectors that were inserted into reactor bioshield penetrations called 'thermal columns' to measure the neutron flux during operation.

Magnox Ltd | Trawsfynydd | ILW

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9G131 - AETP Sand & Sludge

Magnox Ltd | Trawsfynydd | ILW

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9G16/C - Sludge - Conditioned Material
Sludge retrieved from the main sludge vault and solidified in the solidification plant at Trawsfynydd.

Magnox Ltd | Trawsfynydd | ILW

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9G18/C - Ion Exchange Material - Conditioned Waste
Ion exchange materials retrieved from storage tanks (resin vault 1) and solidified in the solidification plant at Trawsfynydd (campaigns 3 and 5).

Magnox Ltd | Trawsfynydd | ILW

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