- Spent Cartridge Filters (ILW)
Spent cartridge filters.
EDFE NGL | Sizewell B | ILW
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- Spent Cartridge Filters (ILW)
Spent cartridge filters.
EDFE NGL | Sizewell B | ILW
- Sludges and Concentrates
Principally miscellaneous wet wastes and sludges from active drains etc.
EDFE NGL | Sizewell B | LLW
- Miscellaneous Contaminated Items
Redundant equipment and material contaminated beyond the limits for LLW.
EDFE NGL | Sizewell B | ILW
- Spent Resins (LLW)
Proprietary resins from the treatment of liquids.
EDFE NGL | Sizewell B | LLW
- Station Maintenance and Operations LLW
Hard and soft trash arising from power station operation and maintenance.
EDFE NGL | Sizewell B | LLW
- Secondary Cartridge Filters (LLW)
Secondary filter cartridges from various systems.
EDFE NGL | Sizewell B | LLW
- Miscellaneous Activated Components
Metallic waste components removed from the reactor during refuelling.
EDFE NGL | Sizewell B | ILW
- Decommissioning: Station Maintenance LLW
Hard and soft trash arising from maintenance.
EDFE NGL | Sizewell B | LLW
- CVCS Resins and Spent Resins (ILW)
The spent resins arise from operational de-mineralisers, whose primary function is reactor coolant purification and chemistry control.
EDFE NGL | Sizewell B | ILW
- CVCS Resins and Spent Resins (ILW) - Conditioned waste
The spent resins arise from operational de-mineralisers, whose primary function is reactor coolant purification and chemistry control.
EDFE NGL | Sizewell B | ILW