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2C43 - High Dose Rate Items

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | ILW

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2C920 - Reactor Decommissioning Preparations
Waste is from Chapelcross reactor buildings and contaminated land. The waste is likely to arise from maintenance and decommissioning operations involving the removal and replacement of plant and equipment.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | LLW

91 KB

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2C921 - Ponds LLW
Much of this waste stream is metallic waste and building material concrete arising from the main pond building. Wastes also include non-compactable plant from the decontamination centre, active workshop flask cleaning area and pond corridors. There will be some secondary waste from these areas.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | LLW

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2C923 - Pipeline Steel LLW
Chapelcross discharge line.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | LLW

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2C925 - Chapelcross Processing Plant Dismantling LLW
These (LLW) wastes arise from clean-out of the Chapelcross Processing Plant.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | LLW

125 KB

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2C926 - Chapelcross Processing Plant Dismantling ILW
These wastes arise from clean-out of the Chapelcross Processing Plant.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | ILW

82 KB

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2C929 - Pipeline Lime Scale

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | VLLW

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2C931 - LLW Radioactive Sources
Sealed radioactive sources which were used for applications such as calibration of equipment, instrument testing etc.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | LLW

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2C932 - Graphite Handling Facility LLW
Wastes from the demolition of the Graphite Handling Facility (GHF) will incorporate a number of different materials. All waste will be segregated into its constituent material.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | LLW

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2C933 - MAETP ILW Resin
Operation of the MAETP to drain down Pond 2 will result in this inorganic resin.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | ILW

79 KB

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