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7A111 - Decommissioning Waste PCM ILW
Decommissioning and size reduction of redundant plant equipment such as glove-boxes, machine tools and legacy wastes.

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | ILW

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7A112 - Decommissioning LLW - Natural / Depleted Uranium
Waste arising from depleted and natural uranium decommissioning operations.

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | LLW

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7A113 - Decommissioning LLW - Tritiated
Waste arisings from tritium decommissioning operations.

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | LLW

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7A114 - Decommissioning LLW - Enriched Uranium
Waste arising from enriched uranium decommissioning operations.

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | LLW

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7A115 - Decommissioning LLW - Plutonium
The waste arises from plutonium decommissioning operations.

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | LLW

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7A116 - Decommissioning LLW - Miscellaneous
Decommissioning of reactor containing buildings and other small facilities handling miscellaneous radionuclides.

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | LLW

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7A117 - Decommissioning Waste Uranium Contaminated ILW
Manufacture of fuel items, disposal of legacy waste and facility maintenance.

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | ILW

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7A13 - Sea Disposal Packs (Concrete Lined Drums)
The waste stream represents part of the 1983 sea disposal consignment. Wastes were generated from AWE operations of that period, e.g. glovebox and reactor wastes.

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | ILW

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7A21 - Operational ILW Plutonium Contaminated
Organic and inorganic solids arising from operations with plutonium and uranium

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | ILW

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7A22 - Operational ILW Tritium Hard Waste
Operations involving tritium.

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | ILW

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