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Showing 50 documents

2C01 - Ion Exchange Resins AW500 (Zeolite)
In situ treatment of fuel storage pond water.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | ILW

82 KB

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2C03 - Miscellaneous Reactor Components Stored dry
Miscellaneous reactor components arising from reactor defuelling operations.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | ILW

81 KB

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2C04 - Waste Oil
Waste oil arising from various site machinery e.g. pond machines, reactor blowers.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | LLW

84 KB

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2C05 - Sludge
The sludge arises from the corrosion of fuel cladding.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | ILW

82 KB

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2C06 - Ceramic Pellets
Irradiated ceramic pellet waste from post reactor operations.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | ILW

82 KB

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2C07 - Contaminated Plant Components (CXPP Cave Line)
Redundant plant components arising from CXPP Cave Line

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | ILW

82 KB

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2C08 - Hydraulic Fluid

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | LLW

84 KB

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2C100 - General Reactor LLW
Wastes from the general reactor area during the Care and Maintenance period.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | LLW

85 KB

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2C15 - Rotary Pump Oil
Rotary pump lubricant from Chapelcross Process Plant operations.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | ILW

84 KB

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2C20 - Fuel Skips in Pond
Contamination from pond operations and plant operation.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | ILW

81 KB

254 KB