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Showing 3 documents

7J23 - Miscellaneous ILW
MoD stock and residual holdings of NNPP material and effluent receipt facility material.

Ministry of Defence | HMNB Portsmouth | ILW

87 KB

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7J25 - Luminised Waste
Luminised scrap/unserviceable MOD stores items and other radioactive items from the de-equipping of ships, together with smaller quantities (annually <1m³) from the MOD Institute of Naval Medicine Alverstoke.

Ministry of Defence | HMNB Portsmouth | ILW

88 KB

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7J27 - Intermediate Level Tritium Waste
MOD Remediation processing of unserviceable tritium luminised equipment and items returned to the Logistics Radioactive Storehouse facility at HMNB Portsmouth produces comtaminated materials from the removal of the H3 luminising items such as 'flags and valves including GTLS for recyling and disposal. the leeching effects of tritium cause the majority of the housing materials to be contaminated. These items plus tissues, smears polythene sheeting are generated in the decontamination and clean up processes.

Ministry of Defence | HMNB Portsmouth | ILW

84 KB

255 KB