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9G04/C - Ion Exchange Material Conditioned Waste
Ion exchange materials retrieved from storage tanks (resin vault 2) and solidified in the solidification plant at Trawsfynydd.

Magnox Ltd | Trawsfynydd | ILW

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9G104 - Resin Vaults LLW
Plant from operation of RVs (Resin Vaults) 1, 2 and 3, their transfer pipe lines from RV 1,2 and 3 to the Resin Solidification Plant.

Magnox Ltd | Trawsfynydd | LLW

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9G105 - Reactor LLW
This waste stream captures decommissioning activities and wastes arising in the Reactor Buildings.

Magnox Ltd | Trawsfynydd | LLW

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9G106 - Ponds LLW
The Ponds waste stream captures plant, equipment, structural materials and secondary waste arising from decommissioning of the wet fuel route.

Magnox Ltd | Trawsfynydd | LLW

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9G107/C - Ion Exchange Material
Ion exchange materials retrieved from storage tanks (resin vault 3) and solidified in the solidification plant at Trawsfynydd (campaign 8).

Magnox Ltd | Trawsfynydd | ILW

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9G109 - Pond Scabbling Wastes
This waste stream captures plant, equipment and structural materials and secondary wastes generated from pond scabbling operations.

Magnox Ltd | Trawsfynydd | LLW

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9G110 - Reactor LLW
Wastes arising from general reactor area during Care and Maintenance.

Magnox Ltd | Trawsfynydd | LLW

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9G112 - Redundant Sealed Sources
Redundant sealed sources used for a variety of purposes around the site.

Magnox Ltd | Trawsfynydd | LLW

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9G113 - CDVAR Plates
The Cold Duct Valve Actuating Room (CDVAR) Plates were previously included in waste stream 9G64. This material has now been identified and characterised and will be disposed of as LLW via a new separate fingerprint. The CDVAR plates are named after the location in which they were stored following their removal as insulation retaining plates around the cold ducts in and around the bio-shield penetration. They were activated by neutron leakage or streaming in a low flux for the life of the reactor.

Magnox Ltd | Trawsfynydd | LLW

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9G118 - Active Drains
The waste arises from the manholes and connections associated with the Active Drains Tank (ADT)

Magnox Ltd | Trawsfynydd | LLW

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