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2X01 - PCM Stores and WTC LLW
Waste is generated from retrieval, handling and processing PCM drums from stores. Drums are processed at WTC and grouted into engineered product drums. Waste generated for this stream has not been in direct contact with PCM. PCM is contained in sealed PVC packages.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X01/3 - North Group Complex LLW

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X02 - Disposal of Solid LLW from Magnox PF&S
Waste arises as a result of POCO and maintenance at the facility.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X03 - Decontamination Centre LLW
The facility is currently in Post Operational Clean Out. The decontamination facility previously accepted contaminated metallic items which were decontaminated and returned to plant.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X05 - Solid LLW from Separation Area
The waste arises as a result of general operations and maintenance within the Separation Area. Note that this waste is specific to the area itself and is not associated with any individual plants.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X05/1 - SEP Surface Drainage System Solids and Lagoon LLW
Waste arises from cleanup and maintenance operations associated with the Separation Area drains and lagoon.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X06 - LLW arising from the redundant NNL facilities AC&M LLW
Waste produced from the redundant NNL facilities.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X08 - LLW from Reprocessing Plant General Areas
Waste arises as a result of routine operations and maintenance at the facility.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X09 - Reprocessing Plant: PS1 and Dissolver Tower Area LLW
Waste is generated as a result of routine operations and maintenance, refurbishment projects and POCO.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X10 - Reprocessing Plant: Thermal Denitration Plant Area and UO3 Rework Facility LLW
Waste is generated as a result of routine operations and maintenance and project work.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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