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Showing 228 documents

2X108/4 - Separation Head Plant Outcell Areas LLW
The waste arises as a result of care and maintainance at this facility.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X11 - Reprocessing Plant: MA Evaporator Area
Waste arises as a result of routine operations and maintenance at the facility.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X114/1 - Caesium Extraction Plant Decommissioning LLW

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X115/12 - Pile Chimney Decommissioning LLW
The waste arises as a result of decommissioning the pile chimneys.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X116/4 - Disposal of Solid LLW from PFR
The waste arises as a result of care and maintenance of the facility.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X117/1 - Disposal of LLW from the PFSP Decommissioning
Waste arises from the decommissioning and POCO of the Pile Fuel Storage Pond.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X118 - Purification and Recovery Plant Decommissioning LLW
The waste arises as a result of work to decommission the facility.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X119/2 - Solid LLW from Solvent Recovery Plant Outcell Areas
The waste arises as a result of care and maintenance of the outcell areas of the Solvent Recovery Plant.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X119/5 - LLW from Solvent Recovery Plant Cell 3
The waste arises as a result of care and maintenance of this facility.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X119/7 - Solid LLW from Thorp Miniature Pilot Plant
The waste arises as a result of care and maintenance of the facility.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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