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2X122/4 - LLW from Analytical Services Lab 188C

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X124 - Disposal of secondary waste associated with plant refurbishment and maintenance of the Pile Fuel Cladding Silo (PFCS) LLW
Secondary waste arisings associated with the plant refurbishment and maintainance of the PFCS.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X124/1 - LLW from Pile Fuel Cladding Silo General Areas
Waste arises from operations to prepare the building for retrieval of the waste inventory.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X125 - Magnox Swarf Storage Silo Decommissioning LLW
Waste is generated during operations to prepare for waste retrievals and decommissioning.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X127 - Legacy Ponds and Silos Workshop & Incident Control Centre LLW
Waste arises as a result of routine operations and maintenance within the LP&S Workshop and Incident Control Centre.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X130/1 - North Group Compound Crate Storage Area LLW
The waste arises as a result of historical waste, clean-up operations and general maintenance within the compound.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X131/1 - LLW from Medium Active Solid Waste Storage Outcell Areas
The waste arises as a result of care and maintenance of the building.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X133 - Magnox Sludge Settling and Transfer Facility LLW
The waste arises as a result of retrievals from the legacy sludge settling facility and operations at the current sludge settling facility.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X134 - Disposal of LLW from Pipebridge
Waste arisings are from the disposal of a redundant ventilation duct.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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2X135 - Silo Maintenance Facility LLW
This waste stream covers all secondary waste that arises from the SMF as a result of operations.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

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