Sizewell A

Sizewell A is located near Leiston in Suffolk and is a twin reactor site. The site became fully operational in 1966 and shut down on 31 December 2006 after 40 years of safe, compliant generation. The site is currently decommissioning.

Sizewell A is one of three Magnox sites which has a neighbouring site. The three neighbouring EDF AGR sites, along with four other EDF AGR sites, are due to transfer to Magnox.

Bradwell’s care and maintenance phase is being managed by Sizewell A.  The team conducts annual inspections at Bradwell and maintains a 24-hour security presence on site.

On this page

Information is presented about wastes that existed at Sizewell A at the stock date (1 April 2022) and were forecast to arise after this date.

Waste Inventory Data for Sizewell A

For background information about this site owner, please refer to the Site Information Sheets in the 2022 UK Radioactive Waste Inventory report.

The following page presents information about radioactive wastes at the specific site selected.

Information about spent fuel and nuclear materials is presented separately in the relevant 2022 Inventory report. For official figures and essential information about how the data has been produced, always refer to the UKRWI 2022 published reports.

View all 2022 waste stream data sheets for Sizewell A

Waste groupings

Show key

Activated metals
Activated other materials
Asbestos & other insulation materials
Concrete & rubble
Contaminated metals
Contaminated other materials
Desiccant & catalysts
Fuel cladding & miscellaneous wastes
Fuel element debris
Fuels & uranium residues
High level waste
Inorganic ion exchange materials
Miscellaneous contaminated materials
Mixed wastes
Oils & other fluids
Organic ion exchange materials
Plutonium contaminated materials
Uranium & thorium contaminated material

Waste categories

Showing results for data originating from Sizewell A.

From 1 April 2022 there is a net decrease in the volume of HLW because accumulated highly active liquor is being conditioned, which reduces its volume by about two-thirds, and also because vitrified HLW is being exported to overseas customers.

Forecast waste arisings


Site Owner