- Miscellaneous Activated Components
Redundant or defective reactor components.
Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | ILW
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- Miscellaneous Activated Components
Redundant or defective reactor components.
Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | ILW
- AEWTP Cationic, Anionic and CRU1 Resin
Ion exchange media from the active effluent water treatment plant in the following vessels: Anion Tank 2.07m3, Cation Tank 1.36m3, Cation Tank 2 1.43m3 and CRU1 2.11m3.
Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | LLW
- Contaminated Oil
Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | LLW
- Contaminated Sand and Gravel from AETP and PWTP Sand Filters
Sand and gravel from the sand pressure filters in the Active Effluent Water (AEWTP) and Pond Water Treatment Plants (PWTP). Sludge and solids are removed by filtration through a mixed bed of sand and gravel which is then backwashed into sludge tanks. Additionally gravel from Cation Tank 2.
Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | LLW
- Sand & Gravel ST2
Sludge generated from processes in the Active Water Treatment Plant (AEWTP), Final Delay Tanks (FDT) precipitate, Pond Skip cleaning and the Pond Water Filtration and Caesium Removal Plant (PWFCR) is stored on-site in ST2.
Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | ILW
- Raschig Rings
Ceramic rings used to provide a large multi surface area in which to de-gas water.
Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | LLW
- Cyclone dust
The cyclone filters and desiccant vessels within the CO2 filter rooms were used to remove particulates and water vapour from the coolant CO2 gas. During normal operations, a small proportion of the coolant gas was continuously passed through the multicyclones and then the drying plants.
Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | ILW
- Ponds Wall Paint Flakes
Decontamination of the flask bay walls is expected to give rise to paint flakes/ debris from wall surface.
Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | ILW
- Reactor and Boiler Systems LLW
This waste stream covers wastes generated from decommissioning activities in the reactor building and boiler houses.
Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | LLW
- Effluent Treatment Plant, Ponds and Decontamination LLW
9C912 is a large area legacy operational fingerprint under which waste generated through decommissioning of the plants and systems associated with the wet fuel storage ponds, active effluent treatment plant (AETP), flask handling, washdown and storage areas are consigned. This waste stream covers wastes generated from decommissioning activities from the following areas:
Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | LLW