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Showing 1356 documents

9J52 - Desiccant
Desiccant is from the reactor's humidriers, used for removing moisture from the reactor coolant.

Magnox Ltd | Hunterston A | ILW

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9J59 - Ion Siv Cartridges
Filtration of cartridge cooling pond water.

Magnox Ltd | Hunterston A | ILW

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9J60 - Ion Siv Unit Post Filters
Filtration of cartridge cooling pond water.

Magnox Ltd | Hunterston A | ILW

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9J61 - Pond Skip Decontamination Liquor

Magnox Ltd | Hunterston A | ILW

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9J62 - Bunker Graphite Fines
Graphite fines that are generated from the SAWBR retrieval processing through the bunkers 1-5.

Magnox Ltd | Hunterston A | ILW

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9J63 - CCP Sludge
Sludge arisings from the spent fuel storage pond. The stream has been expanded to include the following sludge waste streams: CCP (20m3), PWTP Sand Filter 1&2 (6.69 m3), CCP wall UHP washing (21.88 m3), Ponds Floor Dry Shavings (10.11 m3).

Magnox Ltd | Hunterston A | ILW

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9J948 - Reactor and Auxiliary Building LLW
Waste arising from the reactor and auxiliary buildings during Care and Maintenance Preparation.

Magnox Ltd | Hunterston A | LLW

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9J949 - Pond and Effluent Treatment Plant LLW
Waste arisings from Care & Maintenance Preparation of the ponds and Active Effluent Treatment Plant areas, also some contaminated soil.

Magnox Ltd | Hunterston A | LLW

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9J952 - Redundant Sealed Sources
Redundant HP instrumentation/BCD/gamma alarm sources.

Magnox Ltd | Hunterston A | LLW

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9R02 - Miscellaneous ILW
The waste is redundant equipment and material usually arising from examination of irradiated fuel, steel and graphite and there may be items resulting from the refurbishing of facilities, irradiated fuel handling and pond operations. This waste includes 8.468m3 of PIE waste that is the responsibility of EDF Energy.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | ILW

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