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Showing 1356 documents

2S304 - Windscale Piles Fuel and Isotopes
Decommissioning of Windscale Piles air-cooled graphite-moderated reactors.

Sellafield Ltd | Windscale | ILW

91 KB

260 KB

2S308/C - Conditioned WAGR Decommissioning ILW
Decommissioning of the Windscale Advanced Gas Cooled Reactor (WAGR).

Sellafield Ltd | Windscale | ILW

81 KB

251 KB

2S309 - AGR Examination Caves LLW
Decommissioning of PIE facilities.

Sellafield Ltd | Windscale | LLW

84 KB

284 KB

2S310 - AGR Examination Caves ILW
Decommissioning of Post Irradiation Examination Facility.

Sellafield Ltd | Windscale | ILW

80 KB

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2S311 - Other Facilities Decommissioning LLW
Decommissioning waste from redundant facilities. These include PIE facilities, Redundant Flasks, and Packaging plant.

Sellafield Ltd | Windscale | LLW

85 KB

284 KB

2S312 - Other Facilities Decommissioning ILW
Decommissioning waste from redundant facilities Windscale Active Handling Facility and Ex-PIE Facility.

Sellafield Ltd | Windscale | ILW

81 KB

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2S313 - Windscale Piles Miscellaneous ILW
Decommissioning of the Windscale Piles reactors.

Sellafield Ltd | Windscale | ILW

93 KB

261 KB

The waste is the HVVLLW components of the arisings from WAGR decommissioning.

Sellafield Ltd | Windscale | VLLW

82 KB

283 KB

2X01 - PCM Stores and WTC LLW
Waste is generated from retrieval, handling and processing PCM drums from stores. Drums are processed at WTC and grouted into engineered product drums. Waste generated for this stream has not been in direct contact with PCM. PCM is contained in sealed PVC packages.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

89 KB

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2X01/3 - North Group Complex LLW

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | LLW

85 KB

283 KB