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Showing 27 documents

7A13 - Sea Disposal Packs (Concrete Lined Drums)
The waste stream represents part of the 1983 sea disposal consignment. Wastes were generated from AWE operations of that period, e.g. glovebox and reactor wastes.

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | ILW

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7A21 - Operational ILW Plutonium Contaminated
Organic and inorganic solids arising from operations with plutonium and uranium

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | ILW

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7A22 - Operational ILW Tritium Hard Waste
Operations involving tritium.

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | ILW

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7A23 - Operational LLW Requiring Further Assay Through the Recategorization Programme
Organic and inorganic solids arising from operations with plutonium and uranium

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | LLW

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7A24 - Operational LLW - Depleted/Natural Uranium
Waste for natural and depleted uranium operations.

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | LLW

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7A25 - Operational Tritiated LLW
Waste arising from tritium operations.

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | LLW

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7A26 - Operational LLW - Enriched Uranium
Waste arisings from enriched uranium operations.

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | LLW

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7A27 - Operational LLW - Plutonium
Waste arising from plutonium operations.

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | LLW

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7A28 - Operational LLW - Miscellaneous Radionuclides
Waste arising from operations where the fingerprint predominantly contains beta/gamma emitting radionuclides.

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | LLW

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7A29 - Uranium Contaminated Operations ILW
Organic and inorganic solids arising from operations with highly enriched uranium and some wastes containing very large quantities of DU.

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | ILW

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