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Showing 98 documents

9A314 - Mild Steel (Reactor) LLW
Mild steel items from the reactor structure.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | LLW

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9A315 - Mild Steel (Non-Reactor) LLW
Mild steel from active plant dismantling of the gas ducts and other plant.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | LLW

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9A316 - Graphite LLW
Gas deflector and thermal column graphite from reactor dismantling.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | LLW

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9A317 - Concrete (Reactor and Non-Reactor) LLW
Concrete wastes from dismantling of reactors and associated plant.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | LLW

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9A318 - Miscellaneous Metals and Materials (Reactor and Non-Reactor) LLW
A variety of materials from active plant dismantling.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | LLW

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9A319 - Secondary Wastes LLW
Wastes arising from contamination control procedures during plant dismantling.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | LLW

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9A32 - FED Graphite
The source of the waste is the removal of graphite struts from fuel elements prior to dispatch of the elements to Sellafield. There may be a few stabilising wedges and support frames.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | ILW

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9A320 - Contaminated Soil LLW
Contaminated soil that has resulted from plant operation and maintenance.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | LLW

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9A321 - Graphite ILW
Moderator and reflector graphite from reactor dismantling.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | ILW

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9A322 - Mild Steel (Reactor) Recycle LLW
Mild steel items from the reactor structure.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | LLW

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