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3K318 - Stage 3 Decommissioning: Concrete (Reactor and Non-Reactor) LLW
Concrete wastes from dismantling of reactors and associated plant.

EDFE NGL | Hartlepool | LLW

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3K319 - Stage 3 Decommissioning: Miscellaneous Metals and Materials (Reactor and Non-Reactor) LLW

EDFE NGL | Hartlepool | LLW

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Two main sources: (1) Carbon deposition onto internal reactor surfaces; and (2) Superficial damage to graphite fuel sleeves.

EDFE NGL | Hartlepool | ILW

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3K320 - Stage 3 Decommissioning: Secondary Wastes LLW
Wastes arising from contamination control procedures during plant dismantling.

EDFE NGL | Hartlepool | LLW

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3L01 - Pond Water Ion Exchange Material
Spent ion exchange materials.

EDFE NGL | Heysham 1 | ILW

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3L02 - Pond Water Filtration Sludge
Filtration of pond waters.

EDFE NGL | Heysham 1 | ILW

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3L03 - Miscellaneous Contaminated Items
Redundant plant items and other materials contaminated beyond the limits for LLW.

EDFE NGL | Heysham 1 | ILW

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3L04 - Desiccant
Exhausted desiccants that have been used for the drying of carbon dioxide reactor coolant.

EDFE NGL | Heysham 1 | ILW

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3L09 - Miscellaneous Activated Components - Debris Vault 1
Irradiated reactor components (excluding principal fuel element stringer components and control rods).

EDFE NGL | Heysham 1 | ILW

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3L11 - Dry Fuel Route LLW
General solid LLW arisings from the Heyham 1 Reactor Building dry fuel route processing areas. This area includes: Pile Cap, PUMF Cell and Workshop, Control Rod and Active Maintenance Facility, Nose Unit Maintenance Facility.

EDFE NGL | Heysham 1 | LLW

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