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3M01 - Pond Ion Exchange Material
Spent Ion Exchange materials. There may be traces of sludge associated with the ion exchange material.

EDFE NGL | Heysham 2 | ILW

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3M02 - Pond Water Filter Sludge
Sludge and filter pre-coat material.

EDFE NGL | Heysham 2 | ILW

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3M03 - Miscellaneous Contaminated Items
Redundant contaminated plant items and other materials contaminated beyond the limits for LLW. The waste may arise from all major plant areas.

EDFE NGL | Heysham 2 | ILW

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3M04 - Desiccant
Exhausted desiccants that have been used for the drying of carbon dioxide reactor coolant.

EDFE NGL | Heysham 2 | ILW

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3M08 - Active Effluent Ion Exchange Material
Spent Ion Exchange materials. There may be traces of sludge associated with the ion exchange material.

EDFE NGL | Heysham 2 | ILW

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3M09 - Active Effluent Filters Sludge
Sludge arising from filtration and other operations within the Active Effluent Treatment Plant.

EDFE NGL | Heysham 2 | LLW

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3M10 - Oily Sludge
Waste is in the form of sludges arising from plant operations.

EDFE NGL | Heysham 2 | LLW

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3M114 - Care & Maintenance: Miscellaneous Materials LLW
Miscellaneous LLW materials arising during C&M period.

EDFE NGL | Heysham 2 | LLW

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3M115 - Care and Maintenance Preparations: Wet Fuel Route - LLW
Wastes arising from contamination and control procedures during plant dismantling from the wet fuel route.

EDFE NGL | Heysham 2 | LLW

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3M116 - Care and Maintenance Preparations: Reactors and Dry Fuel Route - LLW
Wastes arising from contamination and control procedures during plant dismantling from the dry fuel route.

EDFE NGL | Heysham 2 | LLW

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