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Showing 50 documents

2C32 - CEGB Cartridges (Bradwell)
Dummy cartridges used to irradiate CEGB materials

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | ILW

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2C33 - Activated Charcoal
The iodine filters were designed to remove I-131 and particulate from the reactor gas circuit in case of an incident. The charcoal was used as a filter medium in the iodine filters.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | LLW

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2C34 - Spark Arrestors
Aluminium spark arresters utilised within CXPP cave-line ventilation system.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | ILW

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2C35 - Tritiated Mercury
Tritium contaminated mercury used as part of tritium processing operations.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | LLW

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2C36 - Chapelcross Process Plant Product Containers
Stainless steel containers used for the storage of gaseous tritium product

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | ILW

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2C37 - CXPP Delay Tank Sludges
Delay sludge residue from effluent discharge operations

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | ILW

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2C38 - Miscellaneous Activated Reactor Components
Miscellaneous reactor components stored within the reactor mortuary holes.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | ILW

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2C40 - Large Items from Cooling Ponds VLLW
Waste from ponds.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | VLLW

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2C41 - Fuel Skips in Pond
Contamination from pond operations and plant operation.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | LLW

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2C42/C - Ceramic Pellets
Irradiated ceramic pellet waste from post reactor operations.

Magnox Ltd | Chapelcross | ILW

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