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Showing 1356 documents

5C329 - DIDO Reactor Decommissioning VLLW and LA-LLW
VLLW and LA-LLW arsing from decommissioning of DIDO reactor and associated buildings

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | VLLW

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5C330 - PLUTO Reactor Decommissioning VLLW and LA-LLW
VLLW and LALLW arising from decommissioning of PLUTO reactor and associated buildings.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | VLLW

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5C331 - Minor Facilities Decommissioning VLLW and LA-LLW

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | VLLW

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5C332 - Harwell Care & Maintenance VLLW and LA-LLW
Secondary wastes associated with C&M operations.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | VLLW

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5C333 - Harwell Care & Maintenance LLW
Secondary wastes associated with C&M operations.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | LLW

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5C334 - Replacement Effluent Treatment Plant LLW
Waste arising from the treatment of active effluent from site decommissioning. Waste will be processed through evaporators and encapsulated in Disposable Settling Tanks.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | LLW

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5C335 - LETP HLA Tanks ILW
Residual heels arising from the removal of liquors and sludge from the High Level Active tanks at the LETP

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | ILW

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5C336 - Radiologically Contaminated Mercury
Contaminated liquid mercury

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | LLW

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5C39 - Solid Waste Complex Operational LLW
Operational waste from the Solid Waste Plant and waste generated from housekeeping, maintenance and refurbishment work.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | LLW

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5C41 - Operational LLW Sludge
The waste arises from floc decontamination of low level liquors at Harwell.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | LLW

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