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5C45 - GLEEP Fuel
Fuel lightly irradiated in GLEEP reactor.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | ILW

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5C45/C - Encapsulated GLEEP Fuel
Fuel lightly irradiated in GLEEP reactor.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | ILW

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5C46 - Uranic Residues
Waste consists of bulk items of natural and depleted uranium from various building at Harwell and through the National Disposal Service (NDS).

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | ILW

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5C47 - Organic Wastes
Organic waste from historic operations

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | LLW

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5C50 - Dragon Fuel
Dragon reactor irradiated fuel.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | ILW

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5C52 - Processed Remote Handled ILW
Packaging of RHILW streams: principally 5C30, also 6C32, 5C54, 5G25, and 5C318. Future arisings will also include 5G04 , with possibly (parts of) 5C306, 5C308, and 5C310.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | ILW

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5C52/C - Encapsulated Processed Remote Handled ILW
Packaging of RHILW streams: principally 5C30, also 6C32, 5C54, 5G25, and 5C318. Future arisings will also include 5G04 , with possibly (parts of) 5C306, 5C308, and 5C310.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | ILW

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5C55 - Miscellaneous Legacy LLW
Miscellaneous items arising from operations and experiments on the Harwell site. Some NDS items.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | LLW

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5C56 - Harwell LLW Sources
LLW sources arising from operations and experiments on the site.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | LLW

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5G01 - Miscellaneous Reactor Hardware ILW
The decommissioning of the SGHWR will be carried out in campaigns based on waste source and material type.

Magnox Ltd | Winfrith | ILW

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