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Showing 1356 documents

8A33 - UCP Non-Combustible Solid LLW
Non-metalic and non-combustible solids, primarily from decommissioning activities associated with surface contamination of building materials. Some allowance for future generation of contaminated soil is provided for.

URENCO Chemplants Ltd | Capenhurst | LLW

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9A03/C - Ion Exchange Material
Spent ion exchange materials arising from the treatment of pond waters.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | ILW

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9A105 - Reactor LLW
Wastes from the general reactor area during the Care and Maintenance period.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | LLW

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9A25 - Ion Exchange Material in Drums
Spent ion exchange materials arising from the treatment of pond waters. The material was packaged in modified '45 gallon' mild steel drums. One of the drums is reported as being a dummy unit containing sand/gravel.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | ILW

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9A25/C - Ion Exchange Material in Drums
Spent ion exchange materials arising from the treatment of pond waters. The material was packaged in modified '45 gallon' mild steel drums. One of the drums is reported as being a dummy unit containing sand/gravel.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | ILW

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9A27 - Sludge
The sludge originates from routine filtration of liquid effluents and cooling pond water and from special clean-up operations on cooling ponds at Berkeley Power Station and Berkeley Centre.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | ILW

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9A31 - FED Graphite
The source of the waste is the removal of graphite struts from fuel elements prior to dispatch of the elements to Sellafield. There may be a few stabilising wedges and support frames.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | ILW

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9A310 - Stainless Steel (Reactor) ILW
Stainless steel items from reactor dismantling.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | ILW

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9A311 - Mild Steel (Reactor) ILW
Mild steel items from the reactor structure.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | ILW

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9A312 - Miscellaneous Metal (Reactor) ILW
A variety of miscellaneous metallic wastes resulting from reactor dismantling.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | ILW

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