- Decommissioning of Chemistry Laboratory
Plant/Equipment used for the analysis of active materials.
BAE Systems Marine Ltd | BAESM Barrow-in-Furness | LLW
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- Decommissioning of Chemistry Laboratory
Plant/Equipment used for the analysis of active materials.
BAE Systems Marine Ltd | BAESM Barrow-in-Furness | LLW
- Decommissioning of Waste Treatment Facility
Shore based Waste Treatment Facility receives, treats and discharges aqueous waste. Authorised discharge point for all radioactive aqueous waste on the BAE Systems Marine Limited Site.
BAE Systems Marine Ltd | BAESM Barrow-in-Furness | LLW
- Feed Filter Material
Recycled Uranium contains fission products. The feed filters would be used on the feed system on the enrichment plant to filter out these fission products.
Urenco | Capenhurst | ILW
- UUK Operational waste
The waste arises from centrifuge plant operations and maintenance, auxiliary activities such as chemistry laboratories and a small fraction from clean-up and decommissioning activities. The waste consists of PPE, Cardboard, Wipes, Filters, WEEE and other compactable/non-compactable wastes.
Urenco | Capenhurst | VLLW
- Empty Uranium Hexafluoride Containers
Future arisings will be from containers currently used to store hex which will be emptied during deconversion process.
Urenco Nuclear Stewardship | Capenhurst | LLW
- Dewatered Sewage Sludge
Sewage Treatment Plant
Urenco | Capenhurst | LLW
- Metallic Waste
The waste arises from centrifuge plant operations and maintenance, auxiliary activities such as chemistry laboratories and a small fraction from clean-up and decommissioning activities.
Urenco | Capenhurst | LLW
- Demolition Waste
Excavation and demolition works.
Urenco | Capenhurst | LLW
- Non-Aqueous Waste
Pump refurbishment from Enrichment Buildings and Laboratory activities.
Urenco | Capenhurst | LLW
- Aqueous Waste
Floor washings from the enrichment buildings.
Urenco | Capenhurst | LLW