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9C15 - Incinerator Ash
Ash from incineration of wastes from Dungeness A and B stations. (Approximately 50:50 mix).

Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | LLW

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9C16 - PWTP Sludge
The sludge originates from routine filtration of liquid effluents and cooling pond water and from special clean-up operations on cooling ponds. There will also be sand from the final emptying of the pond sand filters.

Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | ILW

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9C17 - Magnox Dissolution Plant Sludge
The sludge originates from routine filtration of dissolution plant effluents.

Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | LLW

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9C20 - AETP Sludge
The sludge originates from routine filtration of liquid effluents. Some of the sludge has also originated from filtration of cooling pond water. Pond sludge is now accumulated separately (see waste stream 9C16).

Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | LLW

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9C24 - FED Magnox (lugs and splitters)

Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | ILW

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9C30 - Miscellaneous Activated Components
Redundant or defective reactor components.

Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | ILW

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9C310 - Stainless Steel (Reactor) ILW
Stainless steel items from reactor dismantling.

Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | ILW

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9C311 - Mild Steel (Reactor) ILW
Mild steel items from the reactor structure.

Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | ILW

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9C312 - Graphite ILW
Moderator and reflector graphite from the reactor core, Primary cooling circuits, gas ducts & Blow-down and evacuation cyclones.

Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | ILW

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9C313 - Stainless Steel (Reactor) LLW
Stainless steel items from reactor dismantling.

Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | LLW

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