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9B83/C - Graphite Filter Dust Pots
The waste was produced in the by-pass filters, located on the reactor gas circuits. The graphite dust (and rust fragments) in the gas circuit were deposited into the by-pass filter catch pots, which were in-turn decanted into plastic bags within the interim storage filter dust pots, which were constructed from 8 inch nominal bore carbon steel pipe fittings. Sand arose from filter units in the Pond Water Treatment Plant (PWTP) - formerly known as 9B65.

Magnox Ltd | Bradwell | ILW

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9B84/C - FED Magnox - Secondary Granular Activated Carbon (GAC)
The secondary Granulated Activated Carbon (GAC) originates from the abatement of FED-dissolution plant discharges.

Magnox Ltd | Bradwell | ILW

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9B85/C - FED Magnox - Secondary Ion Exchange Resin (Cs-Treat)
The secondary ion exchange resin originates in the ADAP from the abatement of FED dissolution discharges. The ADAP plant will use Cs-Treat proprietary ion Exchange (IX) resins to remove soluble radioactive components from the effluent, minimising the activity discharged to the environment. This waste stream refers to the Cs-Treat.

Magnox Ltd | Bradwell | ILW

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9B86/C - Sludge
The sludge originates from routine filtration of liquid effluents and cooling pond water and from special clean-up operations on cooling ponds.

Magnox Ltd | Bradwell | ILW

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9B87/C - Miscellaneous Contaminated Items
Waste produced from various care and maintenance activities for Bradwell site packaged into 2 packages. Consists of various miscellaneous contaminated items (MCI) and redundant equipment and material mostly from equipment associated with the fuel handling route and the reactor primary gas circuits.

Magnox Ltd | Bradwell | ILW

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9C02 - PWTP Ion Exchange Material
Pond water treatment plant caesium removal units.

Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | ILW

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9C02/C - PWTP Ion Exchange Material
Pond water treatment plant caesium removal units.

Magnox Ltd | Bradwell | ILW

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9C105 - Reactor and Boiler Systems LLW
Wastes from the general reactor area during the Care and Maintenance period.

Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | LLW

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9C13 - Magnox Dissolution Plant LLW
Trash from the Magnox dissolution plant.

Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | LLW

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9C14 - Desiccant
Desiccant from reactor gas drier system.

Magnox Ltd | Dungeness A | ILW

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