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Showing 31 documents

3J01 - Ion Exchange Material
Spent ion exchange materials. Also some sludge.

EDFE NGL | Dungeness B | ILW

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3J02 - Sludge
Sludge and filter pre-coat material.

EDFE NGL | Dungeness B | ILW

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3J03 - Miscellaneous Contaminated Items
Redundant contaminated plant items and other materials contaminated beyond the limits for LLW.

EDFE NGL | Dungeness B | ILW

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3J04 - Desiccants ILW
Exhausted desiccants that have been used for the drying of carbon dioxide reactor coolant.

EDFE NGL | Dungeness B | ILW

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3J09 - Miscellaneous Activated Components - Debris Vault 3
Irradiated reactor components (excluding fuel element stringer components).

EDFE NGL | Dungeness B | ILW

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3J11 - Reactor Vessel Internals and Dry Fuel Route LLW
The wastes included in this stream are from the Reactor Vessel Internals and Dry Fuel Route LLW which includes the Charge Face, PUMF, IFD and Vessel Entry on the plant. Solid waste arises mainly from maintenance and refurbishment work, and may consist of irradiated items or items which have been contaminated during operation. Additionally material arising from the areas may include materials that have been used for sampling, cleaning or prevent the spread of contamination.

EDFE NGL | Dungeness B | LLW

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3J114 - Care & Maintenance: Miscellaneous Materials LLW
Miscellaneous LLW materials arising during C&M period.

EDFE NGL | Dungeness B | LLW

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3J115 - Care and Maintenance Preparations: Wet Fuel Route LLW
Wastes arising from during plant dismantling from the wet fuel route area.

EDFE NGL | Dungeness B | LLW

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3J116 - Care and Maintenance Preparations: General Reactor LLW
Wastes arising during plant dismantling from the reactor area.

EDFE NGL | Dungeness B | LLW

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3J117 - Care and Maintenance Preparations: Reactor Vessel Internals and Dry Fuel Route LLW
Wastes arising during plant dismantling from the dry fuel route area.

EDFE NGL | Dungeness B | LLW

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