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Showing 12 documents

2S09 - Waste from P.I.E. Operations
Disassembly of WAGR stringers, and the PIE of WAGR fuels. Stream also contains WAGR operational wastes (mostly steel stringer components) that were in store ex-reactor at shut-down. The waste stream also includes waste from WAGR and waste from PIE and supporting operations in the Windscale Active Handling Facility. This also includes two neutron sources.

Sellafield Ltd | Windscale | ILW

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2S11 - Windscale Uranic Residues
Samples from PWR, CAGRs, WAGR, SGHWR and CANDU fuels. Fuels not destined for reprocessing. Unirradiated uranic materials, e.g. DU shielding.

Sellafield Ltd | Windscale | ILW

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2S302 - Windscale Pile1 and Pile 2 Graphite and Aluminium Charge Pans
The removal and packaging of the graphite cores of Windscale Pile 1 and Pile 2 reactors.

Sellafield Ltd | Windscale | ILW

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2S303 - Windscale Pile 2 LLW
Decommissioning of Windscale Pile 2, an air-cooled graphite-moderated reactor.

Sellafield Ltd | Windscale | LLW

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2S304 - Windscale Piles Fuel and Isotopes
Decommissioning of Windscale Piles air-cooled graphite-moderated reactors.

Sellafield Ltd | Windscale | ILW

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2S308/C - Conditioned WAGR Decommissioning ILW
Decommissioning of the Windscale Advanced Gas Cooled Reactor (WAGR).

Sellafield Ltd | Windscale | ILW

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2S309 - AGR Examination Caves LLW
Decommissioning of PIE facilities.

Sellafield Ltd | Windscale | LLW

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2S310 - AGR Examination Caves ILW
Decommissioning of Post Irradiation Examination Facility.

Sellafield Ltd | Windscale | ILW

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2S311 - Other Facilities Decommissioning LLW
Decommissioning waste from redundant facilities. These include PIE facilities, Redundant Flasks, and Packaging plant.

Sellafield Ltd | Windscale | LLW

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2S312 - Other Facilities Decommissioning ILW
Decommissioning waste from redundant facilities Windscale Active Handling Facility and Ex-PIE Facility.

Sellafield Ltd | Windscale | ILW

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