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Showing 1356 documents

3S301 - Decommissioning: Mild Steel LLW
Mild steel items from the reactor structure.

EDFE NGL | Sizewell B | LLW

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3S302 - Decommissioning: Mild Steel ILW
Mild steel items from the reactor pressure vessel.

EDFE NGL | Sizewell B | ILW

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3S303 - Decommissioning: Concrete LLW
Concrete blocks from the removal of the reactor building bioshield and concrete rubble from shaving of ingrained contamination within floors and walls.

EDFE NGL | Sizewell B | LLW

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3S304 - Decommissioning: Secondary Wastes & Miscellaneous Materials LLW
Secondary wastes arising during plant dismantling, e.g. from contamination control procedures.

EDFE NGL | Sizewell B | LLW

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3S305 - Decommissioning: Stainless Steel LLW
Stainless steel items from the reactor structure and other radiation controlled areas such as auxiliary and radwaste buildings.

EDFE NGL | Sizewell B | LLW

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3S306 - Decommissioning: Stainless Steel ILW
Stainless steel items from reactor dismantling.

EDFE NGL | Sizewell B | ILW

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3S308 - SZB Dry Store - Shield & Transfer Casks
Activation by spent irradiated fuel.

EDFE NGL | Sizewell B | LLW

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3S309 - Dry Store - MPC Fuel casks

EDFE NGL | Sizewell B | LLW

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3S310 - Fuel Pond Solid Absorber Assemblies
Metallic components used in the Fuel Storage Pond for Criticality Control.

EDFE NGL | Sizewell B | ILW

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3T01 - ILW Ion Exchange Resins
Ion exchangers resins removed from the treatment lines of water auxiliary circuits: Chemical and Volumetric Control System (CVCS) Boron Recycle System (BRS), Liquid Waste Treatment System (LWTS), Spent Fuel Pit Treatment System (FPTS).

NNB GenCo (HPC) Ltd | Hinkley Point C | ILW

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