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5C08 - ILW Concrete Lined Drums
Wastes from various sites which were packaged for the abandoned 1982 sea disposal campaigns.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | ILW

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5C18/C - Encapsulated ILW Liquors
Encapsulation of laboratory wastes from development of fuel processing, the fast reactor programme and various radiochemical investigations.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | ILW

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5C30 - Harwell Remote Handled ILW
Operational solid wastes from research reactors and active cells performing a wide variety of tasks, including fuel examination, source production and others. Redundant sources, notably Co60, Am/Be and Pu238. This waste represents legacy ILW in storage tubes. In addition there has been water/sludge found inside some of the tubes.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | ILW

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5C300 - Land Remediation VLLW and LA-LLW
This waste stream covers the remaining historic solid VLLW and LA-LLW from various legacy land decommissioning projects on the Harwell site.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | VLLW

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5C301 - BEPO Reactor Decommissioning LLW
Decommissioning of BEPO redundant experimental reactor and its outer building.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | LLW

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5C302 - BEPO Reactor Decommissioning ILW
Reactor decommissioning of 6.5 MW(T) reactor with graphite moderator and air cooling.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | ILW

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5C303 - Radiochemical Laboratory Decommissioning LLW
Radiochemistry laboratory decommissioning waste.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | LLW

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5C304 - Radiochemical Laboratory Decommissioning CHILW
CHILW from decommissioning of the Radiochemical laboratory.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | ILW

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5C305 - DIDO Reactor Decommissioning LLW
Decommissioning of a 26MW(T) reactor in steel containment building with heavy water moderator.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | LLW

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5C306 - DIDO Reactor Decommissioning ILW
Decommissioning of a 26MW(T) reactor in steel containment building with heavy water moderator.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | ILW

83 KB

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