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1A01 - LLW Compactable Drummable
This waste was generated as a result of manufacturing and developing radio-pharmaceuticals and bio-science products. Waste will arise in the future from decommissioning of these redundant facilities.

GE Healthcare | Amersham | LLW

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1A02 - LLW Non-Compactable Drummable
This waste was generated as a result of manufacturing and developing radio-pharmaceuticals and bio-science products. Waste will now only arise from decommissioning of redundant facilities.

GE Healthcare | Amersham | LLW

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1A03 - LLW Non-Compactable Non-Drummable
The waste is generated as a result of the site decomissioning programme to remove redundant buildings and facilities that have been used to manufacture a variety of industrial, pharmaceutical and life science products. Radioactivity is present as contamination and activation and includes a wide mixture of nuclides.

GE Healthcare | Amersham | LLW

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1A04 - LLW Non-Compactable Drummable (Spoil)
Site strategy for decommissioning and demolition.

GE Healthcare | Amersham | LLW

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1A07 - ILW
Decommissioning of small scale radiopharmaceutical and radiochemical preparations and radiation source production facilities.

GE Healthcare | Amersham | ILW

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1A08 - Decay Stored Waste
General laboratory process waste that was generated as a result of manufacturing radioactive pharmaceutical products.

GE Healthcare | Amersham | ILW

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1A09 - Incinerated Waste
This waste was generated as a result of manufacturing and developing radio-pharmaceuticals and bio-science products.

GE Healthcare | Amersham | LLW

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1A10 - ILW Containing Radium
Sealed and closed source production.

GE Healthcare | Amersham | ILW

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1A11 - Sealed Sources
Returned sealed radioactive sources.

GE Healthcare | Amersham | ILW

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1A12 - ILW Containing Tritium
Small scale radiochemical manufacturing from Cardiff Laboratories, which ceased in 2009 all waste has been packaged awaiting disposal therefore no further arisings.

GE Healthcare | Amersham | ILW

89 KB

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