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9A87 - Fuel Fragments/High Dose Rate Items
Waste has arisen due to historic de-splittering errors and carryover into the FED vault

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | ILW

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9A88 - Fuel Fragments/High Dose Rate Items
Waste has arisen due to historic errors in de-splittering process carrying over to FED vaults.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | ILW

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9A916 - Empty BPS Sludge Cans
Mild steel sludge cans that will be emptied of sludge during Station decommissioning (see waste streams 9A71, 9A72, 9A77 and 9A78).

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | LLW

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9A917 - Empty Drums and Liners
Mild steel drums, cans and liners that will be emptied of resin and sludge (Celite) during Station decommissioning (see 9A25, 9A57, 9A58 and 9A59). The waste is managed as ILW since it is mixed with other ILW waste streams although activity estimates indicate that this waste is LLW.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | ILW

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9A920 - Reactor LLW
9A920 currently consists of soft and hard trash resulting from safestore preparations, as well as on going inspections and maintenance of the reactor buildings. this waste includes steel work, cables, rubble, wood, where such work has been carried out, as well as secondary wastes (eg; used PPE, plastic sheeting etc.) Some of the waste is likely to be contaminated by asbestos(<1% wt) from past use of this substance in lagging and other building materials.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | LLW

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9A921 - AETP and Decontamination LLW
Waste stream 9A921 consists of wastes that arise from the AETP decontamination and C&M Preps work on Berkeley site. The waste is expected to contain redundant pipework, rubber, plastic, pumps, motors and rags. Both activation and fission product, as well as actinide contamination, is expected.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | LLW

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9A930 - Active Waste Vault Retrieval Decommissioning.
Plant arisings from Active Waste Vault Retrieval building. Steel components from dismantling plant and pipework in the Retrieval Building.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | LLW

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9A932 - Cooling Water Valve Chamber Sludge
Decontamination and Delicensing of former Low Level Active Facility.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | LLW

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9A933 - Concrete Slurry
Cutting of contaminated concrete at BPS.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | LLW

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9A980 - Caesium Removal Plant Decommissioning.
This waste stream consists of steel components from dismantling plant and pipework in the CRP, concrete from the CRP structure, and secondary waste arising from decommissioning and handling operations. Activation and fission product, as well as actinide, contamination is expected.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | LLW

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