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9A980 - Caesium Removal Plant Decommissioning.
This waste stream consists of steel components from dismantling plant and pipework in the CRP, concrete from the CRP structure, and secondary waste arising from decommissioning and handling operations. Activation and fission product, as well as actinide, contamination is expected.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | LLW

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9B02/C - Ion Exchange Material
Pond water treatment plant. Pre-treatment cation (predominantly Caesium) exchange unit.

Magnox Ltd | Bradwell | ILW

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9B105 - Care and Maintenance LLW
Wastes from the safe store and Interim Storage Facility (ISF) during the Care and Maintenance period

Magnox Ltd | Bradwell | LLW

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9B13 - Desiccant
Reactor gas driers (humidriers) - desiccant renewal.

Magnox Ltd | Bradwell | ILW

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9B15/C - Sludge
Sludge heel arose from operation of Pond Water Treatment Plant (PWTP) and Active Effluent Treatment Plan (AETP) as well as decommissioning operations such as pond wall scabbling and pond skip decontamination. Some ADAP sludge, originating from the operation of the Aqueous Discharge Abatement Plant (ADAP) present, as well as sand from filter units used to treat effluent and gravel from the interface of FED storage vaults.

Magnox Ltd | Bradwell | ILW

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9B17/C - Miscellaneous Contaminated Items
Waste produced from various care and maintenance activities for Bradwell site packaged into 12 packages. Consists of various miscellaneous contaminated items (MCI) and redundant equipment and material mostly from equipment associated with the fuel handling route and the reactor primary gas circuits.

Magnox Ltd | Bradwell | ILW

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9B21 - FED Magnox, Gravel and Interface
The stream covers a mixture of Gravel, Oxide and Fuel Element Debris (FED) retrieved from the Active Waste Compound Vaults 0B, 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 4A, 4B & 5A; and Gravels/Oxide retrieved from Vaults 7A, 7B & 8A.

Magnox Ltd | Bradwell | LLW

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9B28 - Miscellaneous Activated Components - R1
Redundant or defective components and equipment removed from the reactor core and the fuelling machines.

Magnox Ltd | Bradwell | ILW

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9B29 - Miscellaneous Activated Components - R2
Redundant or defective components and equipment that have been removed from reactor core and fuelling machines.

Magnox Ltd | Bradwell | ILW

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9B30 - Miscellaneous Activated Components - R1
Redundant or defective components and equipment removed from the reactor core and fuelling machines.

Magnox Ltd | Bradwell | ILW

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