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Showing 41 documents

9F02 - Ion Exchange Material
Spent ion exchange materials arising from the treatment of pond waters.

Magnox Ltd | Sizewell A | LLW

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9F105 - Care & Maintenance LLW
Wastes from the general reactor area during the Care and Maintenance period.

Magnox Ltd | Sizewell A | LLW

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9F14 - Desiccant and Catalyst from Gas Conditioning Plant
Reactor gas driers (humidriers) - desiccant removal. Also some catalyst from the recombination units in the Gas Conditioning Plant.

Magnox Ltd | Sizewell A | ILW

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9F17 - Sludge
The sludge originates from routine filtration of liquid effluents and cooling pond water treatment and from clean-up operations of the cooling ponds and Effluent Treatment Plant / associated storage tanks. There is also a limited amount of paper filters from the final active filter.

Magnox Ltd | Sizewell A | LLW

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9F18 - Miscellaneous Drummed Contaminated and Activated Items
The waste is redundant equipment and material usually arising from reactor operation, irradiated fuel handling and pond operations.

Magnox Ltd | Sizewell A | ILW

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9F19 - Miscellaneous Drummed Contaminated and Activated Items
The waste is redundant equipment and material usually arising from reactor operation, irradiated fuel handling and pond operations.

Magnox Ltd | Sizewell A | LLW

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9F23 - FED Magnox
The source of the waste is the removal of splitters and lugs from fuel elements prior to dispatch of elements to Sellafield.

Magnox Ltd | Sizewell A | LLW

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9F25 - Miscellaneous Activated Components
Redundant or defective components removed from the reactor cores or fuelling machines / servicing machines.

Magnox Ltd | Sizewell A | ILW

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9F26 - Miscellaneous Activated Components - R1
Redundant or defective components removed from the reactor cores or fuelling machines / servicing machines.

Magnox Ltd | Sizewell A | ILW

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9F27 - Miscellaneous Activated Components - R2
Redundant or defective components removed from the reactor cores or fuelling machines / servicing machines.

Magnox Ltd | Sizewell A | ILW

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