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2D45 - Magnox Fuel End Crops
End crops from Magnox fuel elements.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | ILW

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2D55 - Stored Filters
Filters from District Hazard Filter Room.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | ILW

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2D56 - Effluent Plants Maintenance Waste
EPMF Maintenance waste arisings that cannot be decontaminated and sentenced as LLW.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | ILW

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2D57 - Hydrocyclone Solids from Effluent Treatment
Solids removal from streams prior to sentencing of low active liquid effluents from various facilities at Sellafield.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | ILW

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2D64 - Magnox Interfacial Crud - ILW
The waste arises as a result of degradation of solvent used in reprocessing operations on site.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | ILW

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2D73 - MSSS - Miscellaneous Beta/Gamma Waste in Voids
Waste arose from general site operations and other off-site establishments.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | ILW

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2D74 - Pile Fuel Storage Pond Ion Exchange Material
The waste is a cartridge 580mm diameter 993mm in height containing the ion exchange medium Ionsiv IE-911 (165kg). This becomes radioactive by removing predominately Cs and Sr from the pond water. The cartridge was designed to fit into a 250 litre liner for waste export from the plant in the 12te flask.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | ILW

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2D74/C - Conditioned Pile Fuel Storage Pond Ion Exchange Material
The waste is a cartridge 580mm diameter 993mm in height containing the ion exchange medium Ionsiv IE-911 (165kg). This becomes radioactive by removing predominately Cs and Sr from the pond water. The cartridge was designed to fit into a 250 litre liner for waste export from the plant in the 12te flask.One of the fourteen packages in stock is a dummy and has no associated inventory.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | ILW

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2D76/C - Encapsulated Retrieved Pond Sludge
The degradation of Magnox fuel during pond storage results in the generation of magnesium hydroxide sludge in the pond. Sludge retrieved from the pond for encapsulation.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | ILW

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2D77/C - Encapsulated Retrieved Miscellaneous Beta/Gamma Waste
Waste metal items removed from storage pond, consigned to WEP in a scrap basket, which is subsequently grouted in a 500 litre drum.

Sellafield Ltd | Sellafield | ILW

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