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Showing 1356 documents

9E45 - Sludge

Magnox Ltd | Oldbury | ILW

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9E49 - Contaminated Gravel

Magnox Ltd | Oldbury | ILW

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9E50 - Contaminated Gravel

Magnox Ltd | Oldbury | ILW

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9E54 - Contaminated Oil

Magnox Ltd | Oldbury | LLW

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9E55 - Ion Siv Filters

Magnox Ltd | Oldbury | LLW

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9E56/C - Ion Siv Unit Cartridges & Post Filters
Filtration of cooling pond water.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | ILW

83 KB

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9E61 - ILW Fuel Skips

Magnox Ltd | Oldbury | ILW

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9E63 - Redundant Sources

Magnox Ltd | Oldbury | LLW

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9E70 - LLW Pond Skips

Magnox Ltd | Oldbury | LLW

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9E913 - AETP LLW
The 9E913 waste stream captures operational and maintenance wastes from the Active Effluent Treatment Plant (AETP) and associated areas. The AETP provides the processing facilities for active effluents onsite. Pond Water Treatment Plant and Active Waste Vaults are now incorporated into 9E914.

Magnox Ltd | Oldbury | LLW

95 KB

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