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3T02 - ILW Cartridge Filters
Spent filter cartridges arise from the treatment lines of water auxiliary circuits: Chemical and Volumetric Control System (CVCS), Boron Recycle System (BRS), Liquid Waste Treatment System (LWTS), Spent Fuel Pit Treatment System (FPTS).

NNB GenCo (HPC) Ltd | Hinkley Point C | ILW

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3T03 - ILW Sludges
During the operation of the Hinkley Point C UK EPR units, particulates will settle as sludges in various buffer and storage tanks associated with the auxiliary water circuits (e.g. Liquid Waste Processing System (TEU [LWPS]), Liquid Radwaste Monitoring and Discharge System (KER [LRMDS])). These are contaminated with a range of fission and activated corrosion products. This sludge is periodically cleaned out and removed for treatment prior to disposal.

NNB GenCo (HPC) Ltd | Hinkley Point C | ILW

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3T04 - ILW Operational Wastes
The waste is generated through routine and maintenance operations in the UK EPR Nuclear Island and will consist of contaminated Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), monitoring swabs, plastic, clothing, contaminated tools, segregated pieces of metal, glassware, rubble and other process consumables.

NNB GenCo (HPC) Ltd | Hinkley Point C | ILW

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3T05 - LLW Steam Generator Blowdown Ion Exchange Resin
Ion exchange beds are utilised in the APG [SGBS] to control the chemistry of the secondary circuit and to address potential leakages of activation and fission products from the primary coolant circuit. In recycling the APG [SGBS] blowdown water from the UK EPR secondary circuit, the blowdown water is purified by the use of two parallel filters for the removal of suspended solids and two parallel demineralisation lines which use ion exchange resins to perform the demineralisation.

NNB GenCo (HPC) Ltd | Hinkley Point C | LLW

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3T06 - LLW Sludges
During the operation of the Hinkley Point C UK EPR units, particulates will settle as sludges in various buffer and storage tanks associated with the auxiliary water circuits (e.g. Liquid Waste Processing System (TEU [LWPS]), Liquid Radwaste Monitoring and Discharge System (KER [LRMDS])). These are contaminated with a range of fission and activated corrosion products. This sludge is periodically cleaned out and removed for treatment prior to disposal.

NNB GenCo (HPC) Ltd | Hinkley Point C | LLW

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3T07 - LLW Evaporator Concentrates
The UK EPR provides for the use of an evaporator to minimise radioactive liquid effluents arising from the TEU [LWPS]. Evaporation will be used to minimise the discharge of active aqueous effluents. Evaporation of effluents results in the production of a sludge-like concentrate that will contain the bulk of the radioactivity initially present in aqueous effluent streams as activated metal oxides.

NNB GenCo (HPC) Ltd | Hinkley Point C | LLW

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3T08 - LLW Cartridge Filters
Corrosion occurring in the steam generators results in particulate corrosion products becoming mobile in the primary circuit, which can then become activated on passing through the reactor core. Filters are used to capture and hence minimise such particulate material in the UK EPR water auxiliary circuits. Spent filter cartridges arise from the treatment lines of the a number of water auxiliary circuits including the Chemical and Volume Control System (RCV [CVCS]), TEU [LWPS], and the Fuel Pool Cooling (and Purification) System (PTR [FPC(P)S]). Water filters are withdrawn from operation on the basis of clogging and/or dose rate and then treated as waste.

NNB GenCo (HPC) Ltd | Hinkley Point C | LLW

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3T09 - LLW Air and Water Filters
All radiation controlled areas of the nuclear auxiliary building, fuel building, safeguards buildings, reactor building, operational production centre, access building and effluent treatment building are served by dedicated ventilation systems. The extract from these systems is subject to a number of airborne activity abatement techniques, including the use of High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filtration, before discharge to the environment. The HEPA filters remove particulate material to ensure doses to workers are ALARP and discharges to the environment are minimised. This also ensures that the doses to members of the public from airborne discharges are minimised. The abatement systems will produce a number of spent LLW pre and HEPA filters over the course of reactor operations. In addition to the filters serving the primary systems, LLW water filters will be generated from the filtration of low activity effluent (TEU, APG). The physical form of this waste stream consists of filter cartridges that are composed principally of stainless steel supports with glass fibre filter media and some organic materials.

NNB GenCo (HPC) Ltd | Hinkley Point C | LLW

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3T10 - LLW Dry Active Wastes
Dry Active Wastes (DAW) comprise the combustible and non-combustible LLW generated through routine and maintenance operations in HPC nuclear island and consist of contaminated personal protection equipment, monitoring swabs, plastic, clothing, contaminated tools, segregated pieces of metal, glassware and other process consumables. These wastes mainly arise during outages.

NNB GenCo (HPC) Ltd | Hinkley Point C | LLW

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3T11 - LLW Oils and Solvents
Oils used in the reactor coolant pumps and in the lubrication of various components such as process pumps has the potential to become radiologically contaminated during normal service. Contaminated liquids such as chemical cleaning solutions, used liquid scintillation cocktails from laboratory sampling and solvents used as decontamination agents also arise and will be included within this waste stream where appropriate to do so.

NNB GenCo (HPC) Ltd | Hinkley Point C | LLW

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