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5C318 - Harwell Remote Handled ILW - WRATs
Operational solid wastes from research reactors and active cells performing a wide variety of tasks, including fuel examination, source production and others. Redundant sources, notably Co60, Am/Be and Pu238. This waste represents legacy ILW in B462.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | ILW

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5C319 - Ripple Crates
The waste stream consist of the equipment used to produce Sr-90 titanate sources for the RIPPLE (Radio Isotope Powered Prolonged Life Equipment) generators.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | LLW

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5C320/C - Encapsulated ILW Sludges
The waste was acidic with the original liquors having a pH of 0.36 to 0.98. After mixing with grout it is alkaline.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | ILW

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5C321 - Active Handling Facility Decommissioning ILW
Decommissioning of the active handling facility.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | ILW

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5C322 - Land Remediation LLW

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | LLW

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5C323 - LETP Land Remediation VLLW and LA-LLW
This WCH has been updated to include an additional fingerprint tank 4b hexagonal sump sludge from technical report issue 8 which has been added to the list of LETP Land Remediation fingeprints already approved under this WCH. This Version of the WCH now covers Zones/fingerprints 1, 2, 3, 4,4B Sludge, Tank 4B Hexagonal Sump, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11-A (previously refered to as 11-H336.1), 12, 12-Sludge,13A, 13B, 14, 14A, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 19A, 19B, 20, 21, 21A, 22, 23, 25 and the wheelie bin fingerprint. The waste generated consists largely of soil, sand, concrete, plastic pipework, small amounts of rebar metals and residual decommissioning friable wastes. The addition of the fingerprint has not impacted on the volumes of wastes or radiological properties assessment in this WCH. Nuvia report 73550/TR/139 Issue 9 has been updated to include the Tank 4B Hexagonal Sump sludge fingerprint, and the calculations are supported by 73550/CAL/001/Issue 9.xls

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | VLLW

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5C325 - Radiochemical Laboratory Decommissioning VLLW and LA-LLW

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | VLLW

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5C326 - Active Handling Facility Decommissioning VLLW and LA-LLW

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | VLLW

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5C327 - Solid Waste Complex Decommissioning VLLW and LA-LLW

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | VLLW

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5C328 - BEPO Reactor Decommissioning VLLW and LA-LLW
VLLW and LA-LLW arising from decommissioning of BEPO reactor and associated buildings.

Magnox Ltd | Harwell | VLLW

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