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9R10 - ILW Ion Exchange Material
Spent ion exchange materials arising from the treatment of pond water.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | ILW

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9R101 - Berkeley Centre Decommissioning : Primary ILW
Materials that have been used in the examination of irradiated fuel, steel and graphite.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | ILW

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9R101/C - Berkeley Centre Decommissioning : Primary ILW
Materials that have been used in the examination of irradiated fuel, steel and graphite.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | ILW

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9R102 - Berkeley Centre Decommissioning : Primary LLW
General LLW waste arisings from initial decommissioning of the Berkeley Centre. The main source of the waste is from glove boxes, caves and cells used for post irradiation examination (PIE) of fuel, reactor graphite and steel from Magnox and Advance Gas Reactor (AGR) power stations throughout the UK. Following PIE and analysis, items were sent to the Berkeley Centre ILW store. Following de licence of the Berkeley Centre the site boundaries were changed, and the Shielded Area arisings were included in these waste streams along with some waste from the ILW store.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | LLW

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9R111 - Berkeley Centre Decommissioning: LLW Ion Exchange Material
Spent ion exchange materials arising from the treatment of pond water and ion exchange material from columns used in sample analysis.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | LLW

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9R113 - Redundant Radioactive Sources
Redundant sealed sources used for a variety of purposes around the site.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | LLW

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9R115 - Miscellaneous Oily Wastes (WRATs)
Miscellaneous oily wastes from Berkeley Technology Centre.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | LLW

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9R116 - High Enriched Uranium
Laboratory materials previously used in research studies.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | LLW

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9R118 - Radiochemical Laboratory Samples
Miscellaneous sludge & resin samples from Berkeley Technology Centre that were used for characterisation purposes.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | ILW

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9R13 - Steel Surveillance Canisters
Redundant canisters that held steel samples for in-reactor studies.

Magnox Ltd | Berkeley | ILW

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