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7A36 - Pyrochemical Wastes
The waste are generated from processes used to refine metals.

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | ILW

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7A37 - Contaminated Mercury
Elemental mercury used in electrical switches, vacuum pumps, thermometers and general experimental work. The contamination is physically associated with the waste and not chemically bound.

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | LLW

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7A40 - Experimental Metallic Vessels
Processes involved with the production, maintenance and decommissioning of the UK's nuclear deterrent.

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | ILW

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7A41 - Cemented Sludges
Effluent treatment using ferric floc precipitation process to remove radioactivity from aqueous waste streams, which have originated from uranium and plutonium operations, and been cemented.

AWE plc | AWE Aldermaston | LLW

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7D22 - Devonport RA Soft Trash (for Disposal to NWS)
The waste is produced as a consequence of general support to the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Programme including refit, maintenance and refuelling.

Babcock International Group | HMNB Devonport | LLW

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7D23 - Devonport RA Hard Trash (for Disposal to NWS)
The waste is produced as a consequence of the general support of Naval nuclear propulsion programme e.g. reactor plant maintenance and refuelling operations.

Babcock International Group | HMNB Devonport | LLW

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7D24 - ILW Reactor Components
Activated reactor components.

Babcock International Group | HMNB Devonport | ILW

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7D26/C - Devonport Conditioned Low Level Ion-Exchange Resin
(i) Effluent treatment plant, (ii) Active water treatment plant, (iii) Alternate core removal cooling plant (not boronated), (iv) On board Primary circuit treatment plant, (v) Conforming resin from decontamination plants

Babcock International Group | HMNB Devonport | LLW

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7D28 - Low Level Waste Resin from Plant Decontamination (MODIX)
Submarine primary circuit is chemically decontaminated to remove magnetite layer and hence radioactive activation products. Soluble activity is removed from process liquid using ion exchange resin. Primary plant dose rates are significantly reduced as a result of the process.

Babcock International Group | HMNB Devonport | LLW

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7D29 - Intermediate Level Waste Resin from Plant Decontamination (MODIX)
Submarine primary plant (reactor & associated systems) plant decontamination. Resin is used to remove soluble metal activation products that are generated when the magnetite layer is removed from the primary plant.

Babcock International Group | HMNB Devonport | ILW

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